This facilitation manual presents a comprehensive guide to the IOM’s guidance on working with LGBTI persons in forced displacement and humanitarian contexts. This facilitation manual covers foundational topics such as terminology and safe spaces; methods for conducting interviews; operational protection such as identifying risk points for LGBTI persons; thematic topics including international law, SGBV, travel and transit and intersectionality; and refugee status determination. There are companion online tools and presentations across a range of these topics. This interactive training is meant for humanitarian workers and those involved in refugee status determination. The manual provides sample schedules for this multi-day training.
Training Manual for Facilitators: Working with LGBTI Persons in Forced Displacement and the Humanitarian Context
Publication Date2017
This training manual is relevant for humanitarian and development practitioners because it is purposefully designed for those working with displaced people and migrants; this training guide has important specific advice on conducting meaningful and transformative trainings to promote LGBTI inclusion.
"IOM and UNHCR have jointly developed this comprehensive training package on the protection of LGBTI persons of concern for staff members as well as the broader humanitarian community. The training's modules cover a wide variety of topics, including terminology, international law, communication, operational protection, resettlement and RSD, all with a focus on practical guidance for offices and partner organizations."