Pride in the Humanitarian System Consultation Report

[Resource Types]
[Publication Year]

Publication Date2018


Author(s) Devikara (Prim) Devakula, Elisabeth Dotter, Emily Dwyer, and Maria Holtsberg

[Access Data]
Access DataOpen access
[Cluster Area/SDGs]
[Resourcel URL]

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This report is relevant for humanitarian and development practitioners who are interested in meaningful and transformative inclusion of people with diverse SOGIESC in the humanitarian system; this consultation report provides new insights into the specific areas for concern and a Call to Action.

The Pride in the Humanitarian System (PiTHS) Consultation Report presents the outcomes and a call to action generated during the June 2018 consultation in Bangkok. PiTHS brought together more than 120 activists from diverse SOGIESC organisations, international NGOs, UN agencies, donors and other humanitarian sector representatives. PiTHS aimed to answer three questions:

  1. Why do we need Pride (diverse SOGIESC inclusion) in the humanitarian system?
  2. What are the barriers and enablers to realising Pride in the humanitarian system?
  3. What tools, approaches and actions must be taken to ensure transformative diverse SOGIESC inclusion in the humanitarian system in Asia and the Pacific?

The consultation report provides an in-depth review of the topics discussed and humanitarian disasters and settings that have occurred in the Asia Pacific region. Activists specifically spoke about their experiences as people with diverse SOGIESC/representatives of diverse SOGIESC advocacy organisations, and the gaps they experienced in the humanitarian system. The report includes a thorough set of recommendations and a Call to Action.



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The Pride in the Humanitarian System (PiTHS) Consultation Report presents the outcomes and a call to action generated during the June 2018 consultation in Bangkok. PiTHS brought together more than 120 activists from diverse SOGIESC organisations, international NGOs, UN agencies, donors and other humanitarian sector representatives. PiTHS aimed to answer three questions:

  1. Why do we need Pride (diverse SOGIESC inclusion) in the humanitarian system?
  2. What are the barriers and enablers to realising Pride in the humanitarian system?
  3. What tools, approaches and actions must be taken to ensure transformative diverse SOGIESC inclusion in the humanitarian system in Asia and the Pacific?

The consultation report provides an in-depth review of the topics discussed and humanitarian disasters and settings that have occurred in the Asia Pacific region. Activists specifically spoke about their experiences as people with diverse SOGIESC/representatives of diverse SOGIESC advocacy organisations, and the gaps they experienced in the humanitarian system. The report includes a thorough set of recommendations and a Call to Action.