Listening and Learning: Giving Voice to Trans Experiences of Disasters

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Publication Date2017


Author(s)Andrew Gorman-Murray, Scott McKinnon, Dale Dominey-Howes, Catherine J. Nash & Rillark Bolton

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This resource is relevant for humanitarian practitioners, especially those involved in DRR and media and communications, and emphasises that humanitarian crises exist in the wake of disasters everywhere.

This report highlights the persistent exclusion of transwomen and men from disaster risk reduction and response. This paper analyses the issues that often face transgender individuals such as denial of food and water, abuse, gender based violence, corrective rape, loss of safe spaces and intensive policies. There is a particular focus on the importance of space in trans lives and the need for space to play a role in disaster risk reduction. This paper uses surveys to highlight the experiences of transgender men and women in Australia and New Zealand after the Christchurch earthquake and the Queensland floods. Findings include issues such as marginality, displacement, interpersonal networks and issues with disaster response.

This paper calls for the training of personnel to adequately meet the medical and health needs of trans women and trans men, and emphasises the importance of moving beyond heteronormative assumptions of family and households in disaster risk reduction planning.


"Given the significance of hard-won and tenuous trans spaces, and the general discomfort (if not hostility) of normative gendered space, how do trans people experience disruption and displacement in disasters? Does the experience of gender tyranny, while traumatic and untenable, also pro- vide some intrapersonal and interpersonal resources to aid their resilience in disasters?"


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This report highlights the persistent exclusion of transwomen and men from disaster risk reduction and response. This paper analyses the issues that often face transgender individuals such as denial of food and water, abuse, gender based violence, corrective rape, loss of safe spaces and intensive policies. There is a particular focus on the importance of space in trans lives and the need for space to play a role in disaster risk reduction. This paper uses surveys to highlight the experiences of transgender men and women in Australia and New Zealand after the Christchurch earthquake and the Queensland floods. Findings include issues such as marginality, displacement, interpersonal networks and issues with disaster response.

This paper calls for the training of personnel to adequately meet the medical and health needs of trans women and trans men, and emphasises the importance of moving beyond heteronormative assumptions of family and households in disaster risk reduction planning.